Monthly Archives: November 2021


In September, Carole asked us to use time as our inspiration for her blocks. She asked us to use solids only with any shape or image that relates to time. And she chose the stunning tetrad palette of blue-green, red-violet, red-orange, and yellow-green (including recommended Kona suggestions to help us out).

My first thought that I couldn't shake was the idea of time passing as my children grow. I created a "watch me grow" block of sorts where I improv pieced the bodies of the three images and then added needle turn appliqué for the heads.

My second block was a simple timeline. It is meaningful to me because it represents the births (not to scale) of me and my siblings. I'm the oldest by 8 years.

My final block was a simple 4-patch block to represent the found seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall.

These colors were a joy to work with and I really enjoyed the process of puzzling out my plan to construct the children. Other blocks created in the bee included inspiration from song lyrics,  hashmarks, and a clock.

This month we're sewing improv Christmas blocks, but I also need to show you the improv Line blocks I made last month.

Happy sewing!


How many quilting UnFinished Objects do you have? Do you know?

I used to post a quarterly list of all the projects here on my blog. I loved it. I could see everything in one place and that meant that I didn't have hidden projects out of sight, out of mind. Nothing surprised me when I opened a closet or cabinet that hadn't been opened in a while. It's been just over two years since my last Finish Along blog post. I'm not really sure how many projects I have now... and I've maybe forgotten about some of them.

I had been wanting to resurrect the list, posting it regularly on the blog again. Maybe quarterly, maybe just twice a year. And then Bobbie (of The Geeky Bobbin) reached out to invite me to join her UFOvember Blog Hop.

Huzzah! I've signed up to share a finished UFO with you on November 13 for the Blog Hop alongside 29 other quilters who will be sharing about their UFO inventory, and how they are resuming, reworking, and rehoming those UFOs this month!

So in the next few days I'll be working on updating my list which I'll share later this month. And I'll be back to share my finish on November 13.

Here's the amazing lineup of participants. Bookmark this page so you can get back here to visit each day's new blog post. The first four posts are already live. Enjoy!

Please share how many UFOs you have in the comments and feel free to make a guess at how many quilting UFOs I currently have. ;-) When I update my list I'm going to try to include the age of each project. So if you want to guess how old my oldest UFO is, feel free!