Tag Archives: improv blocks

In September Elizabeth chose this happy color palette and the traditional inspiration of the Grandmother's Fan quilt block with some guidelines for us to use improv piecing to modernize the block.

I had such fun creating these blocks for Elizabeth. The best part of improv is that the leftover bits that don't fit into one block became the sourdough starter for me to begin the next block. The second best part is that you can't tell where I made "mistakes" cause it's improv and I just rolled with it!

You can learn all the improv skills I used here in my Building an Improv Toolbox workshop. I'm available for in-person and Zoom workshops for guilds. And individuals can signup now for my November 5 workshop with QuiltFest Virtual Schoolhouse #3.

Can't wait to see Elizabeth's finished quilt!

In June, Chris asked us to make improv blocks using her chosen palette of colors in five color families: purplish, red-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, and green. I started by pulling solids that were a direct match for the Kona colors she listed for us, then filled in a little with colors that were close. She asked for our signature style improv piecing. I'd love to hear what you think of as my signature style of improv. Since I had just taught Improv Log Cabins I was inspired to make one of my blocks a log cabin.

There are a few things I enjoy including in an improv log cabin, the skinny strip (1/8" finished width), pieced logs, and wonky cutting. And my center "square" was pieced because the scrap of red I had wasn't a rectangle, so I just sewed some blue on to get started. In an effort to create a pieced log I created a strip that I didn't end up liking for my log cabin, so it was the "sourdough starter" for my second block...

I'm not entirely sure why I didn't love the blue and yellow strip for my log cabin, but the curve of it didn't help. In this block I embraced the curve to create smooth improv curved piecing.

I think these both feel like "me", but what are you missing that is part of my signature style? I'd love to hear in the comments.

Loide requested improv Christmas blocks for November in our Bee. She told us that anything goes for Christmas and our blocks could be traditional Christmas colors or something else.

After pondering about what I would make I started with a candle block, approximately 13" x 16".

Some others in the group had made some Christmas trees, so I pivoted and made a wreath, approximately 12" x 12". As I was working I decided that it would be a chunky square wreath, though I included extra background fabric for Loide so she could add some corner triangles to soften it up if she'd like.

Lastly, I chose a candy cane... it's some precisely pieced improv, but it was still built improvisationally. I sewed together red and white strips, then cut at an angle and pieced multiple pieces to make the length of the candy cane, approximately 10" x 13".

You can follow along with our bee, Quilts Unscripted, on Instagram.