Tag Archives: quilt teacher

Thank you to Northern California Quilt Council and Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds for each hosting Meet the Teachers events this week. It's a bit like speed dating for quilt teachers. We each have 3 minutes to share about what we teach to guild representatives in attendance. The best way to stay in touch with me and what I'm teaching and creating is to subscribe to my newsletter.

My workshops are a bit of a choose your own adventure and a whole lot of fun! Students are encouraged to play while learning new improv piecing techniques. And I pack in tips and tricks along the way. I have lectures about color, 100 day projects, and improv piecing. I'd love to visit your guild on Zoom or in person.

If you've made it to my website because you're interested in having me teach or lecture for your guild or group, please check out my Teaching Page. You'll find descriptions for all my workshops and lectures and can reach out to me in email to start the conversation so I can answer any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for visiting!

I had a lovely time with Moonlight Quilters of Sonoma County today for 6 hours of Building an Improv Toolbox. This workshop is an opportunity to play. (You can join me for this workshop on March 29, 2023.)

I often forget to "take pictures" in a Zoom workshop. It's so different than being in the physical room with folks. Today I remembered to get a shot of our show and tell at the midpoint when we took a break for lunch. It's so fun for me to see the variety of colors people are working with and how the same prompts can result in so many unique outcomes!

Thanks for joining me in class today, MQSC!

Guilds and groups interested in having me teach should check out my teaching page.