Tag Archives: sewmystash2015


They were all completed and mailed on time, but I'm finally showing you my April, May and June bee blocks.


Stash Bee: We made these adorable paper pieced cranes for Liz in April. She was looking for blues and teals, but open to other colors, so I made two. It was a quick and easy block to put together.

do. Good Stitches: In April, Diane had us make these simple spool and square blocks in this great color scheme: apple red, dark navy, cream + rain (grayish-blue-greens). I really liked the randomness generated by having each block be any combination of spools and plain squares. Here are my three blocks.

The Bee Hive: We made bright and funky Tic Tac Toe blocks for Nicole. We had also made this block in February. It goes together very quickly and I find it easy to be very precise with matching the seams. It was really fun to choose some loud fabrics.

Nicole has put together her (soon to be queen size with a border) quilt top with blocks from the bee and about 14 blocks that she made herself. Isn't it so fabulous!?

Nicole's Scrappy Happy X's
Scrappy Happy X's by Nicole (@saphre1964 on IG)
Nicole's Scrappy Happy X's 2
Scrappy Happy X's by Nicole (@saphre1964 on IG)


Stash Bee: In May, Hive 1 made Kaleidescope blocks in yellow, lime green, dark teal, red-orange and light lilac for Jackie. I had a great time pulling these fun colors and digging into my low-volume stash. Jackie gave us the option of making a positive or negative block. I decided to make one of each.

do. Good Stitches: We made some large scrappy flying geese. The geese measure 4.5" by 8.5" (unfinished). Ailish asked us to use mostly lime, avocado, bright green -- with some turquoise/aqua - on a scrappy gray background. Here's what I came up with for my blocks.

The Bee Hive: In May we made the double star block. Lisa provided us some Essex linen, so there would be some commonality throughout the blocks. This was my first time working with the Essex linen and I think it got me past my fear of cutting into the yardage for my Patchwork City project. She had admired the green print in my block for Nicole the previous month, so I used it again for her block.


Stash Bee: In June we made this Loopy block for Leo. She was great with her specifics of what she wanted and didn't want for fabrics. The size of the block surprised me when I started cutting fabric. I knew it was 16", but 16" is big. I really like the graphic, geometric pattern and look forward to seeing how Leo sets the blocks.

The Bee Hive: For June, we made Wanta Fanta block. I had a great time putting this together, because I used 34 different fabrics in this 12" block. Kylie didn't want blenders (which is the majority of my stash), so I had to rifle through my scrap bin to find stuff to use. Overall, I was pleased with how this came together. I could totally see using the pattern in the future. I love the illusion of curves it creates when many blocks are put together (and you get a little distance from it).


This month I'm the Queen for Hive 1 of Stash Bee. I decided on this Simply Woven block with rainbow colored strips. I'm so excited for the scrappy quilt that will result. And excited to have some fun mail coming my way. My first package has already arrived. :-) Here's my sample block:

Thanks for visiting!


In true form, I've finished my monthly ALYoF goal on the last day of the month. A great big gigantic thank you to Sarah of Berry Barn Designs for her inspiration to do a little selfish sewing this month. This king size quilt top is for our bed, my largest project by far. My goal this month was to finish the quilt top by sewing at least 30 minutes a day. You can see my progress through the month: week 1, week 2, week 3, and the finish below!The pattern is Puzzle Box by Tracey Brookshier. The AWESOME purple ninja fabric is by Robyriker Designs on Spoonflower. I was so appreciative to Elishka when she was willing to edit her design into the correct purples to match my bedroom wall paint. Molli Sparkles helped me find the perfect background fabric (Blueprint Basics by Valori Wells) when he was at Intrepid Thread on his visit to California. Thanks to my sister Jenn for taking these pics of the quilt. I look forward to getting it onto the bed and showing it to you in place once I send it out to be quilted and finish it up. This has certainly been an "it takes a village" kind of project and I really appreciate all the help and encouragement in getting this far. Now to figure out where to have it quilted. Any tips on finding a quilter and questions to ask a quilter are greatly appreciated, as this is my first quilt that I'll be sending out to be quilted.

Linking up to 4x7 Sewing Challenge, ALYoF February finishes, and Stash Bee February Linkup.



The Bee Hive (Swarm Tisha, #beehiveswarmtisha on IG)

The Bee Hive is a quilt block tutorial series and quilt bee put together by Alyce of Blossom Heart Quilts. There are some great block patterns coming out of The Bee Hive and for our first month Lauren picked the Tic Tac Toe block, which was fun to put together. I didn't take a picture of the signature block I made for her to include on the back of her quilt... I used some of my leftover bits to make a 4-patch of HSTs and surrounded it with white fabric. I think I may want a better (permanent) pen for writing on quilt blocks/labels. What are your favorites?


Stash Bee (Hive 1)

In February, Sara was our Queen Bee. She has an existing project with 20 of these blocks and decided to add to it this month with the bee. I love her color palette and had fun putting these together. Two months in a row of Stash Bee Flying Geese... I wonder what March will hold. ;-)


do. Good Stitches (Promise Circle)

Heather of Modern Parti Quilts joined our circle this month and chose these improv log cabins. While these aren't really my colors (the mustard... I was surprised I even had so many fabrics in this color in my stash!), I think the project is super fun and will look great all together. We had the option of making these 12" log cabins or making a 12" block comprised of four 6" log cabins. You can see her take on the blocks in her blog post. P.S. I'm loving that navy diamond fabric and looking forward to using it in a project again soon!


Linking up to Sew Cute Tuesday and Let's Bee Social.